

Industrial Research and Development (R & D) in area of Plastics, Rubbers and Composites. Recycling of Polyolefin and Electrical and Electronic equipments. Polymer compounding. Development of new products based on customer’s needs. Selecting the right material, process, required equipments, installation and control for the development of a new product with the best quality and prices for the companies.



We can provide any course or training that companies need to improve the knowledge of their employees in field of polymer science and technology (theoretical & practical) in terms of polymer processing and polymer properties.

Other Services

  • Preparation Material data Sheet (MDS) and Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for the products.
  • Interpreting the testing and technical results.
  • Preparation of R&D tax credit reports (technical and financial).
  • Transfer polymer technologies.
  • Deposition and trial testimony. 
  • Writing provisional patent application. 



Characterization & Testing




  • Process optimization to achieve higher quality and productivity.

  • Formulation optimization to reduce the cost and improve quality and quantity.jump